Newborn Lifestyle Sessions

July 02, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

When new babies are born, we want nothing more than to show them off to the world. A newborn session is the way to do that. 

There are so many options when it comes to newborn photography. I get a lot of inquires about newborn photography so I decided to write a blog explaining what it is that I do offer when it comes to newborn photography. 

I offer a style commonly referred to as Newborn Lifestyle Photography, it's very different from the photos you see of babies swaddled and posed in some adorable way. With a lifestyle session, I use your home, where we will use the nursery if there is one, the living room or your room. 

What is a Newborn Lifestyle Photography?

Getting to do newborn lifestyle sessions is amazing because it all about capturing moments, which is where my passion with photography is. It's all about the connections and sweet moments that are happening in your home, with the new bundle of joy in your life. During the session I will be able to capture sweet tender moments between your newborn, and everyone in the family. If you have pets, they are our family members too, and of course they will be included. 

When siblings are involved, I like to get some images with them in it, and then allow them to run free in their own home, while I shoot the rest of the session. I usually tell families to have an extra family member around to help with the kids, and if time permits they can jump in the session as well. Sometimes grandparents are still in town to help out with your newborn. I would encourage them to jump in a few photos as well.

How long is a Newborn Lifestyle session?

Newborns run their own schedule so I allow for a lot of time. A typical session lasts between 2.5-3 hours. This allows for life to happen in between. There are sure to be feedings, changings, and crying that will happen. I will be there to capture it all. 


Where do these sessions take place?

You just had a baby of course things are everywhere and the house is probably a mess. I just need some good lighting. That usually happens best in the living room, and bedrooms. I don't need the whole rooms, just some space by a window to have some good light, I might ask to temporarily move furniture if it will help me get the best lighting. Not to worry, I will stick around to help you put everything back in place. The one place I do usually request is the parents bed because it offers the most space to work with. I will ask that the bed be made up, and that the sheets coordinate with the outfits your family will be wearing. 


What do you wear for a newborn lifestyle session?

Your newborn will be the star of the show, I tend to recommend, light, neutral colors, like creams, whites, or greys. If you would like to add pops of color I would recommend doing so using jewelry. Solid colors are always best. No logos, or phrases that aren't baby related. (Some families get matching shirts made) those can always work.  

 For your newborn, I would recommend that you keep it simple as well, using a solid onsie, or a swaddle with their favorite blanket, or even better, just their diaper. My main goal is for your newborn to be comfortable.

Will you do any of the traditional newborn poses?

During a lifestyle session my main focus is capturing the connections between each member of the family and your newborn. There will be a lot of down time when I can get those close up photos of all their tiny newborn features. Since it's a lifestyle session I like to let your newborn do whatever they do naturally when they are with you or when you lay them in the crib or your bed. 

What age should I schedule a session?

Since it's in a more relaxed setting there really isn't much of a time frame, however those newborn baby features go away fast as your newborn will change and grow a little more each day so if you would like for me to capture those newborn features I would recommend no later than two weeks. I've done newborn sessions as late as 9 weeks and they still turned out great.


Towards the end of the session, it's almost certain that your newborn will be tired. That's when I can swoop in to take those precious sleeping photos and close up shots. 

Lifestyle sessions are a  beautiful way to show all the love surrounding your newborn. If you are interested in booking a newborn lifestyle session please message me! 







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